You’ve got questions…
Well, I have answers. I want to read all your questions you have for me and answer them. Often I am asked questions about lots of different things relating to all of this. Anyways, I wanted to open up...
View ArticleEmpathy vs. Sympathy
Lately, I feel as though I lack the ability to sympathize with others and their problems. Sometimes I feel completely alone with my thoughts and feelings because I know no one else knows what this...
View ArticleQuestions/Answers
1. How are you doing? I am well. I will admit that I have times that are seemingly harder than others. The end of July-August was rough. I was stressed trying to finish my graduate work. Just as the...
View ArticleHappy Thanksgiving…
I am thankful for… My parents. My amazing Girlie. She has blossomed so much in the last year. My Brother. My extended family. All my friends. My Biffle. I can call or text her at anytime. She is such a...
View ArticleBad dreaming…
Some of you know since last year I have suffered from weekly nightmares. They don’t happen every night, but I would have these bad dreams a couple times a week. Not all I would consider “nightmares”...
View ArticleFour!
My sweet little girl is four. I never imagined we’d go through so much by this time in her life. However, she is a happy little girl now. She struggles with a few issues now, but still goes to therapy...
View ArticleQuestion from a Reader…
I have a question (and you totally don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to): How can he confess, plead not guilty, and it’s still taking so long? I guess I’m just confused that they let him plead...
View ArticleEmpathy found.
In the last year I have struggled with hearing about what other people claim is a huge dramatic problem in their life and only thinking to myself that is nothing compared to my last year. I lost...
View ArticleThe Holidays.
Girlie had a great Christmas. However, she started running a fever on Christmas Eve. It was 102.5 Christmas morning. So she cried through opening presents. She just wasn’t into it. You know a kid...
View ArticleSleep? What’s that?
I have always been determined to not get in the habit of letting Girlie sleep with me. She has been fine with it until recently. The last few nights she has ended up in my bed by 1am every night. She...
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